Watching this show gives me a greater appreciation for already being married. One poor guy met a "lady", and I use that word lightly, who was already drunk when he got to the date. She was a vegetarian and he ordered ribs and in her drunken stupor she explained to him that her best friend as a child was a pig and talked about how her family killed her best friend and she had to eat him. Of course, it went downhill from there. After reassuring her that he would order ribs from a pig who she wasn't familiar with, he ate his ribs and she drank some more. She lit up a cigarette inside the restaurant and he wasn't a smoker. Then she wanted to kiss him and he had to tell her "No, thanks". Poor guy!!
Another guy had set up multiple dates for the same evening and had planned on meeting another young lady later in the evening. Date #2 showed up early for the date and crashed his date with Date #1. His comment was "When has a girl ever shown up early for a date in the history of dating?". Yeah, he's right. I was never ready on time for a date. Hair and makeup had to be as close to perfect as possible.
There are some crazy people out there. Yep and they are ready to date!! They may look totally normal online but be really crazy once you have ordered dinner!! My suggestion would be to meet for coffee before going to an expensive dinner when you are meeting someone for the first time. You don't want to have to pay for a $39.99 Surf & Turf dinner with cocktails for someone who is crazy!!
Honestly, I would never want to be back in the dating world ever again. I have a low tolerance for BS, crazy people and having to get used to another man's cologne. My husband and I aren't perfect and there is no such thing as a perfect person or perfect marriage so he deals with my faults and I deal with his. My biggest complaint is that my husband doesn't turn his socks and Tshirts the right way before he puts them in the clothes hamper. His biggest complaint about me is that I am forgetful. I have had Mommy Brain for 15 years. I can remember the words to a song that I haven't heard in 20 years but I cannot remember to pay the insurance bill when I promised to do it "tomorrow". I literally pass the insurance office when I pull out of my neighborhood. How did I forget that??
Another reason I wouldn't want to be in the dating world is google. Now people can google you!! There is Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and I am a blogger so I actually put "my crazy" online for everyone to read!!
There is always going to bars and meeting people but who wants to do that? I mean, I want to go to bed at a decent hour. Maybe that's why Happy Hour is around 4:00 in the afternoon. It's for the over 40 crowd so the singles can meet up and have dinner and get home before 9:00pm!!
Singles could always meet someone at church but everyone is usually on their best behavior at church so you don't really know who that person is until you see them outside of church. Even then, they may not be themselves because they don't want you to tell anyone at church how they really act outside of church.
So, there ya go. That's why people online date. I have never looked at an online dating site, for obvious reasons, but if I had to create a profile I would probably put my best pictures online, maybe fudge my age by a few years, add a little to my education, make my life seem a little more exciting than it really is and then wait for a "wink". Yeah. I would suck at that!!
Thank you, God, for my husband!!
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