Okay, so I am on my soapbox today. Don't like it? Don't Care. There are some truths that need to be said out loud.
1. Dear Hollywood, Your portrayal of Southerners is ridiculous. Nobody really speaks that way.

Photo credit: ehow.com
2. While I am on Hollywood...All of you actors, singers, comedians, directors and producers, just do what you are good at and shut up about politics and religion. Nobody cares what you think. You live in LaLa Land and have no clue what is going on with real people. Well, except for the Kardashians and you know that they are all "real" people. I mean, why are they famous? Because Kim made a sex tape with some guy? Okay, well, there are plenty of housewives out at the baseball fields of America who have done the same thing.
3. If you don't judge me, I won't judge you. It's not my job to judge you and it's not your job to judge me. If you are gay, drink alcohol or smoke a little pot once in a while, that's your business. Unless you are endangering a child in some way, I'm gonna mind my own business. If I know that you are high or drunk and are driving children around, then it will become MY business. Call an Uber!!

Photo credit: etsy.com
4. Most Christians aren't homophobic, judgmental, angelic, perfect or boring. Most of us realize that we are all sinners. Some "sins", we just can't give up. Sneaking a glass of wine or cocktail in a restaurant where none of your fellow church members are enjoying a meal? Why? God sees you. Why do you care what humans think? Oh yeah, those Christians who think they are perfect. There aren't many of you. Reminds me of a joke. What's the difference in a Baptist and a Methodist? The Methodist will say hi to you in the liquor store. And don't get me started on gossiping. You don't want me to go there. Most everyone is guilty of a little gossiping. Or a lot.
5. Most white people aren't racist. Sorry Whoopi Goldberg and Al Sharpton. It just isn't true. I am a white, Southern woman and I am happy to say that my son was 10-years old before he ever heard the "N" word and it wasn't from his parents or at school. He heard it while watching the movie "Forrest Gump". I am fairly certain that I was younger than that when I heard it for the first time. I'm not saying that racism is totally dead but don't think that I am racist because I am white. I do community volunteer work and if you ask any person/family that I have helped if I treat any color differently, they will tell you "Absolutely Not"!!

Photo credit: issuu.com
6. All black people aren't thugs, deadbeat dads, on food stamps and angry. The media portrays the black community as angry, violent, protesting gangs. If I were part of the black community, I wouldn't be very happy about how I was being portrayed. Are there gangs? Yes. Are there deadbeat dads? Yes, but there are just as many deadbeat white dads. Look up what Benjamin Watson has to say about race relations. You can google it.
7. Not all parents, these days, are helicopter parents. We are definitely more plugged into our children than our parents were, maybe because we can look up grades online and we know how competitive college can be these days, but we aren't all psychotic about grades and sports. I'm not a helicopter parent but I do ask my son if he has done his homework or studied for a test. I trust what he says and leave him alone about it. He doesn't have to be the best in his class. I don't expect perfection. He doesn't have to be the best soccer player. I'm not paying extra for personal training for a sport that only sees less than 1% of players ever play professionally. Some parents out at the soccer field think their kid is going to be the next legend! Here's a little hint...He isn't! All I ask from my son is that he tries his best. If his best is a 90, then that's his best!! If one goal in a season is his best, then that's his best!!

Photo credit: parenting.com
8. If you hate America, leave. If I see you burning a flag, I will come after you. You know that thing about minding my own business? Well, that's out the window if you are burning a flag!! There are plenty of people who want to come to America so feel free to leave if you don't love America. Our soldiers didn't fight battles against other countries so you would burn our flag, they fought so you would have the right to speak your mind and go home and know that soldiers from another country wouldn't be at your door trying to take your rights away. You have the freedom to worship or not. You can own a firearm or not. You can get an education. You can work. You can start a business. You have the freedom to vote for whomever you want. You can even write in Mickey Mouse, if you so choose. (Mickey Mouse may do a better job than some of the clowns in Washington.) Oh and respect our veterans!! This is America. The land of opportunity. If you don't love America, move to Iran. You will love it there!

Photo credit: oregonlive.com
9. If you don't believe the same thing that I do, just keep moving. Don't try to argue with me to win me over to your way of thinking. It won't work. I believe in God. If you don't, that is up to you. I don't drive a Prius. If you do, good for you. I own guns. If you don't agree that I should be able to own a firearm for protection, then you just call 911 and wait. I believe in Capitalism. Why?
Because with hard work and an education, we have gone from a trailer park to a two-story brick house on a quiet street. Nobody gave us anything. People say "But you're just lucky" and my husband says "The harder he works, the luckier he gets".
10. Is everyone "offended" by something? If you disagree with the President, you are "racist". If you disagree with a person's lifestyle, you are "intolerant". If you are a Republican, you are labeled as "ignorant", "racist", "bigoted", "sexist", "closed minded" and my personal favorite is "redneck". As a (mostly) Republican, I am "offended" by these labels. I am not racist, intolerant, ignorant, bigoted or sexist. I did grow up in a small town in South Carolina so I may show a little redneck occasionally but only when I am passionate about something!! If you mess with my family, I WILL go Walmart on you!! Otherwise, No!! Now, there is a difference in "redneck" and "white trash". Rednecks are often thought to be uneducated, Southern, white and rude. I have found the opposite to be true. A redneck will stop and help you change a flat tire in the rain. White trash will drive right past you, honk the horn and laugh. White trash can drive a Maserati or a truck! I happen to know several black "rednecks". They are not an urban legend! They are real. You will see them at a Blake Shelton concert. (You know who you are, Nikki.) You will see them fishing and driving big trucks. I would venture to say that Cam Newton of the Carolina Panthers and the Alabama Crimson Tide, is a redneck. He drives the most jacked up pickup truck you have ever seen! Anyway, People, stop being so sensitive!! If a black person tells a joke about a white person (even me) I can take it!! If I hear a joke about women drivers, I can take it!! (I did scratch my car on a post once and I had to have my car towed out of a ditch once because I overshot a 3 point turn.) Get a backbone. Grow thicker skin. Stop whining!! Geez, Louise!! We are raising a generation of wimps already. Most children can't fight a battle on their own anymore. I got picked on in school for being short. I still do. You know what? I don't care!! If it offends you that I spanked my son when he was young, too bad. We can compare my spanked child to your "time out" child any day! He may be in therapy someday but it won't be from popping him on the butt to get his attention. He may be in therapy because of the dinner conversations with his parents and for being too honest about life and how the real world works but not because of a swat on his bum!! I'm not easily offended. Maybe that's why I am a happy person. #NotButtHurt

Photo credit: plus.google.com
Okay, so feel free to add to my list but these were the Top 10 pressing truths that needed to be said OUT LOUD!! I have 10 more but I'm tired and don't feel like lecturing tonight so I'm done.