If you see me anytime in the next few days I will probably be wearing my favorite pair of white skinny jeans. Apparently, I am not allowed to wear them after Monday because it is Labor Day and being that I am a Southern Belle and always, always, always follow proper Southern Etiquette (wink,wink), I must put them away until Easter, the first day of spring or Memorial Day. (I will use whichever comes first!!) This is the one piece of etiquette that I would like to throw out the window along with my friends Katheryn, Morrow and Hayden!! They keep me in line every year and make sure that I know what time of year it is. My white skinny jeans are my favorites!! They actually look good on me and I do "appear" to be skinny in them. I think Emily Post must have been naturally skinny or morbidly obese because if she looked great in white skinny jeans, she would not have made up such an asinine rule of etiquette and then put it in that dumb book. Now there are some designers who still make white pants and shoes for the winter and call them "Winter White". That is a crock because winter white is just as white as summer white nowadays. Why is this the one rule that we must cling onto when there are teenage girls wearing shirts that do not cover their belly buttons to church? Obviously, we have bigger fish to fry. I think that should be the #1 Rule of Etiquette! No midriffs at church! Oh and No Bra Straps Showing either!! I don't care if you are wearing those clear shoulder straps...I CAN STILL SEE THEM!!
I think it is discrimination against anything below the waist to not be able to wear white. I mean, I am allowed to wear white shirts! White shirts are never off limits. Just white skinny jeans! (And shorts and belts and shoes but you get my drift. Right?) Just look at how fabulous these models look in white jeans:
It must be a Southern thing because I see some ladies with boots on in these pics and you know that you aren't supposed to wear boots until the first day of fall! You know that girl is a Yankee!! Seriously, why do we care what Emily Post said? She has been dead long enough for us to cut loose and stop following her rules. Right?? Who's with me?? Let's rebel!! It's an election year so there will be many protests going on in the coming months. People may not even notice if we wear our white skinny jeans!! My vote is not for RED or BLUE this year!! It's for WHITE!!! (Skinny jeans that is!!) Life Lesson for today is White Skinny Jeans Rock!!
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