Life Lesson #15,003-Aging isn't for wimps. What is the deal with with the skin under my neck? It used to be so tight and smooth and where it is supposed to be!! Now I have a turkey neck!! "They" say the neck is the first thing to go on a woman. And how about my upper arms? When I wave at you with my hand, it looks like I'm waving with my upper arm too! I have 2 hairs that grow out of my chin like eyelashes! Don't even get me started on this belly fat that won't go away!! When I was 20-years old I could eat anything I wanted, drink anything I wanted, never exercise, sleep for 2 hours at night and still look good! Now I can't even look at a cupcake without gaining 5 pounds. I can't drink soda and have a flat tummy. I exercise 3-4 days per week and still can't get those rock hard abs. I can't remember anything. I may or may not be hormonal. I'm not sure. I can't tell right now. Yes, I am. No, I'm not. Anyway, I used to laugh at my grandparents for going to bed at 7:00PM but now it seems like a really good idea!! Oh and naps are a real treat!!
Now, don't get me wrong, I appreciate the opportunity to grow old gracefully, but it ain't gonna happen! Yes, I color my hair every 6 weeks. Yes, I get Botox every couple of months. Yes, I bleach my age spots. Is it wrong to fight it tooth and nail? Women absolutely hate showing signs of aging. Why do you think every other commercial on TV is about aging, age spots, wrinkle reducer, hair color or some other product for the "Golden Years". "Golden Years" my eye!! Why do "they" call it the "Golden Years"? It should be the Rusty Years! Let's just be honest. Aging isn't for wimps!!
Why is aging easier for men? They get gray hair and laugh lines and they are "Distinguished"! What a crock! I get gray hair and laugh lines and I am old? I mean, who set that standard? Yep, probably a woman! I told you, we hate aging!!
Okay Ladies, Let's band together and fight this battle together!! We're tough!! We can handle it!! Onward!! Upward!! Okay, I'm tired already. Who else wants a nap? Let's do that now and the fight thing later...
I saw this and thought it summed it up: (Sorry for the bad word, but it's funny.)
It sucks getting older!