Ladies, Our husbands think that we are crazy. Why is that? Men are basic creatures. Most of them need few things in life. My husband could care less about new clothes, new shoes or any luxury in life. Give him shelter, food and you know what and he is perfectly happy. His idea of "shelter" and mine are very different. He would hang towels from the windows and call them "drapes". He got mad at me the other day for spending money at TJ Maxx. I purchased new sheets for the guest room because the fitted sheet on that bed had a rip at the bottom where the elastic meets the sheet. He thought that was asinine to buy new sheets. I suppose he would just lay down towels on the bed too, if he weren't married to me. Oh and rugs, who needs them? We could just throw down towels for that too!!
But really, do we give men ammunition to think that we are crazy? Men have less than 7 pairs of shoes. They have black dress shoes, black casual shoes, brown dress shoes, brown casual shoes, a pair of tennis shoes and a pair of flip flops. Then some men have a pair of work boots. Am I right? Women on the other hand have black dress shoes but we have black leather, black patent leather, black high heel, black wedge heel, black flats, black suede, black strappy, black strappy formal, black satin, black satin bejeweled...then we go to brown, then taupe, gray, sand, navy, white, red...You get my drift? Oh and then we put on make-up. We put on lipstick and then we blot it off. We pluck our eyebrows and then pencil them back in. Maybe we ARE the crazy ones!! I don't think we are crazy, I just think we like things to be nice, whether it be our homes, our children, our husbands or ourselves. We like to look nice. We like to smell nice. We like nice things. What's wrong with that?
And what about drama? Men do not have any drama in their lives. They may cause drama but they don't worry about it for one minute! If you ask a man "What's wrong?" and they say, "Nothing", then nothing is wrong. If you ask a woman "What's wrong?" and she says "Nothing" then she is probably pissed off. If a man has a problem with another man, they will either talk about it or fight about it and then it's over. I see it with my 12-year old son. He and his friend will punch each other in the eye and 2 minutes later they are playing football. Nooooo, not women, Honey!! We hold grudges!! I still remember a girl being mean to me in the 3rd grade and I still hate her!! I don't care if she is a missionary in Africa, eating rice and beans every day, digging wells and teaching poor children how to read. She was mean to me in 3rd grade!!!
Ladies & Gentlemen, Let's just agree to disagree. Face it...Men think we are crazy!!
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