Okay, so school gets out today, for summer, here in NC. I'm not sure how I feel about that. Super Excited about not having to get up at 6:00am for 7 weeks! No homework for 7 weeks. No packing lunches for 7 weeks. No projects for 7 weeks. No studying for 7 weeks. No tests for 7 weeks. That being said, there is also no going back to bed at 8:30am for 7 weeks. No lunching with my friends for 7 weeks. No peace and quiet from 8am-3pm!! I will be hearing "Mom, I'm bored" about 5,000 times over the next 7 weeks. I will have to stock up on snacks and lunch food. There will be stinky teenage boys in my house at all times. My floors will not be clean for 7 weeks. There will be cookie crumbs and potato chip crumbs in my sofa cushions for the next 7 weeks. That's okay though. Sleeping past 8:00am is a treat for me. Now I just need to find a quiet hairdryer so my husband doesn't wake me up when he is getting ready for work. Maybe I can find some earplugs that really work!! Maybe I can also find a shock collar that shocks my son every time he says "I'm bored"!!

I know that I love summertime and there are some great reasons to love summer break and believe me, I do!! There are also some great reasons to hate summer break! I am already dreading the "I'm bored, Mom" and "Mom, can I have a friend over?". I'm dreading the crumbs and the smelly teenage boys. I'm dreading the sticky floors and the elevated grocery bills. However, the warm weather and sleeping for 2 more hours a day may soften the blow!!
I suppose there could be nothing worse than having a kid that has to go to summer school. That must suck!!

Happy Summer Break, Everyone!!!