Friday, February 8, 2013

Lesson #15,109-Having an Only Child Has It's Perks

Okay, so I went to dinner with my dear friend, who reads this blog (Uh oh), and she has 5 children.  3 teenagers, a 1st grader and a 4-year old.  I was looking around the entire time trying to figure out how in the heck she does this!!  The little ones were jumping around, up and down, busy, busy, busy.  She and her husband were cool as cucumbers.  I thought to myself "Dear God, You knew better than to give me 5 kids!!"  There is just activity all around and they just chilled out and let it all go crazy.  There is not enough Xanax at Walgreens for me to do all of that.  Somebody needed their water refilled, she just refilled it with someone else's water glass.  Someone needed their meat cut and she cut their meat and refilled the other water glass at the same time!!  Seriously, she was like an octopus waitress superhero mom or something!! 
All of these kids are super smart.  During dinner Dad was going over spelling words and making a game of it with the youngest son while going over vocabulary with the middle son.  I can barely help one child get homework done.  Can you imagine having 5 children in school?  This fall they all will be in school.  I would need a nanny, a tutor and a maid!!  There would be no naps, EVER!!  Oh and did I mention that both parents are PA's??  That is a Physician Assistant, in case you didn't know what that was.  They both work full time!!
The perks of having only one child are as follows:
1.  Only having one child!!!  That's it!!
Well, maybe not.  There's the laundry perk.  I only have to do laundry once or twice a week.  The homework thing.  I can help with everything but math and Spanish.  Then there is the time thing.  I've got free time to spend with him or take a nap.  Whichever I choose!!  Dishes.  We only have 3 for dinner.  College tuition.  Only have to save for one.  Only have to cut one person's meat!!  One car.  One North Face jacket! Actually the list goes on and on!!
children's sandbox

I'm sure that there are perks to having a large family too.  Like, having help with the laundry, babysitting and the older ones can help the younger ones with homework.  The kids are more independent.  It's never boring.  There's always something going on!!  You can wear pajamas in public and people understand why!!

Hats off to ya, Julia!!

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