I have a friend who was in a restaurant bar many years ago and an NFL quarterback was in there partying with his friends. He asked a couple of my friends to come over and sit with them. She had no idea who he was. She was just there to have fun. So they are sitting there talking and having fun and this guy was very arrogant but he was buying drinks so they sat there for a little while. He finally said to her "You have no idea who I am, do you?" and she said "No". He said, "I'm Kerry Collins" and she said "Well, I'm Nicolle Allen!!" and he was floored!! He said, "I am the quarterback for the Carolina Panthers" and she said to him "Well maybe if you were Troy Aikman I would have known who you were"!! Everyone at that table just roared!!! I am sure he had women fawning all over him all the time but not my friend!! She was not impressed! He went to his car and pouted. Of course, sitting in a Ferrari probably made soothed his bruised little ego just a little!
This is a funny story about me. In my former life, before becoming a mom and wife and mommy taxi driver and living this glamorous life of laundry and dishes, I was a medical assistant and worked for a doctors office. We had many, many hilarious things that happened and usually I was around to see most of them! One day a man came in the office and had stepped on a nail. He needed a Tetanus shot. Well, this man only had one arm. I always asked which arm a patiend wanted a shot in, so I kept thinking to myself "Don't ask him which arm, Don't ask him which arm, Don't ask him which arm"! I drew up the Tetanus and walked in the treatment room and he and I were talking and laughing. He had a great dry sense of humor so he was cracking me up. After about a minute of talking and getting the alcohol pad, gauze and bandaid ready, I turned right around and asked "Which arm do you want it in?" and he shook his little stump at me and said "Well, what the Hell do you think?"!! Oh my gosh!!! I was mortified!! He just shook his head and laughed at me!! Can you say cringe worthy moment???
Okay, so now that you have had a laugh at my expense and Kerry Collins' expense. Have a great day!!
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