Okay, so we all should know that yelling at the weatherman won't change the weather. If you don't like heat, cold, rain or snow, you have no place to go on Earth and there is nobody on the planet that can change it. It's almost like the old saying goes...Don't shoot the messenger! Don't do that. It won't change anything.
Speaking of shooting the messenger, sometimes being the messenger can get you into trouble. "Your child did this to my child." "Your husband is cheating on you." "You know that she talks about you behind your back, right?" See what I mean? You may be the one who gets shot instead of the child, the husband or the backstabbing friend. Someone might come back to you with "Well, what did your child do to my child to make my child do that to your child?" or "How do you know that my husband is cheating on me? Did you see it with your own two eyes?" or "Have you heard that friend talk about me? What did you say when she said that about me? Did you stick up for me? What did she say then?" Don't do that. It won't change anything.

So, the teenager that is working the drive thru didn't give you your sandwich without pickles. What do you do? Do you go inside and berate him or her for putting pickles on your hamburger? Do you drive back around in the drive thru line and make the teen give you another burger without pickles? Do you ask for the manager? Don't do that. It won't change anything.

Your Facebook friend who you haven't seen in over 25 years posts something about politics that you don't agree with. What do you do? Do you "unfriend" that person? Do you start an argument with that person on their Facebook page? Do you state your opinion and try to lead this idiot over to your way of thinking because, clearly, they are uninformed or uneducated about what they are saying? Don't do that. It won't change anything.

What about if you hear that someone, who you think is a good friend, has been talking about you behind your back? Do you confront them with what you have heard? Do you rat out your friend who told you this information? Do you totally ignore this person the next time that you see them? Do you start talking about them all over town? Don't do that. It won't change anything.

The older I get, the more I think about this. I think back to when I was young and I remember being short tempered and quick to react to a situation. I have learned to sleep on it for one night. If it still bothers me in the morning, maybe I should consider doing something. 99 times out of 100, I don't lose any sleep over things that don't matter in my life and with every new day, I have a choice to be happy or to be miserable. I can choose to live in the past or live for the future, without forgetting to live today. In the grand scheme of life, does it really matter if I had pickle juice on my hamburger bun? Does it matter what other people's children do? Does it matter what someone else thinks of me? No. If my husband ever dared to cheat on me, that would be his choice and he would have to live with the consequences just as I would have to live with the consequences of an affair that I dared to have. The weatherman isn't in charge of the weather and if my Facebook friend has a differing opinion than I do regarding politics, I just keep scrolling. Is it really worth losing a friend over an opinion? Don't do that. It won't change anything.
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