Another of the things that I can live without...Mosquitoes!! There really is no purpose for them except to bite us and leave a big bump where they bit us!! Not sure why Noah didn't just squish those 2 mosquitoes when he had the chance to wipe them out! Speaking of Noah, why didn't he go ahead and squash the roaches, fleas, yellow jackets, ticks, ants and moths. Yes, I said moths!! I am afraid of moths!! Well, maybe not afraid of them but they freak me out because of the way they flit around. Oh, stop laughing at me!!
I could live without Algebra, Trig and Calculus. Whose idea was it to add the alphabet to math problems? You cannot add A+B!!! Idiot!!
I can live without Kurt and Kyle Busch. If you are a NASCAR fan, you know who they are and you know that you could live without them too.
Dust. I could live without dust!
Rude and annoying people. There are 7 Billion people on Earth. I swear that 3.5 Billion are either rude or annoying.
Telemarketers. I am on the Do Not Call list!! Stop Calling Me!!! Did all of you know that Roy Cooper, NC Attorney General is the one who is responsible for the National Do Not Call List. Yes, he's a democrat but this Republican will always vote for him because he got the job done!! Now if we could just get the telemarketing firms to abide by the rules!!
Homework. I freaking hate homework. The kids are in school for 7 hours so why give them homework? Okay, I get giving them giving a few questions or maybe a little reading but not hours of homework. They need some rest too!!
Traffic. Get out of my way!!
Smelly people. Take a bath, PLEASE!!
Cold weather! Come on Global Warming!!!!
Selfies. Please stop taking pictures of yourself in the bathroom mirror!!!
I hate complainers. Ummm. I hate when other people complain, not me!!
This is just a drop in the bucket of the things that I could live without. Tell me yours...
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