Ordinary, uneventful days are the best. That means that nothing terrible has happened. Some days have events that change your life and I am always afraid of change. I like stability and security and monotony. Call me boring!! I don't care. I love ordinary days!! There are days that hold defining moments in your life. Some days, you wake up knowing your life will change. Like your wedding day!! Some days you wake up and have no idea that your life is about to change. Sometimes for good and sometimes for bad. You may wake up and meet the love of your life. You may wake up and a beloved family member has passed away. You may wake up and find out that you are pregnant for the first time. You may wake up and find out that you have a terminal illness. You may win the lottery. You just never know what is going to happen. That is why I have learned to appreciate ordinary days.
Never complain about being bored. It just means that nothing terrible happened to you today. Monotony is your friend. I pray that everyone has an ordinary day today. I pray that everyone in your family has an ordinary day today. I pray that every one of your friends has an ordinary day. May we all learn to appreciate ordinary days.
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