I probably take too many breaks. I probably take a longer lunch than I should. I am easily sidetracked. I'm kind of like the dog who sees the squirrel when I am supposed to be doing something else. Remember the commercials on TV that said "This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?" Well, This is your brain on ADD. "Hmm. I think I will load the dishwasher. Oh but there are still dishes in the washer. Ugh the sink needs cleaning. The dish towels need washing. Well, if I am going to wash the dish towels I may as well wash the bath towels too. The sheets need washing today. Eww. Look at the floor in the kitchen. Wow, the dining room table is dusty!! The cat needs to go out. Oh look!! There is a cobweb in the corner. I think I will just take a nap instead. Oh but I need to check Facebook before I take my nap." True story!!
The BOSS would not be happy!!! I would get called into the office and given my walking papers. I would not be one of those employees who were given a promotion. I would not be given money or a vacation. I would not be told what a special employee I am. Well, maybe Abbey would think I am special because I am the only one who can keep up with her rigorous nap schedule. Abbey is my cat. She sleeps 18 hours a day, like humans should!!
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