Sometimes I think computers are the greatest thing ever because you can type anything you want into the search engine and you will find tons of information on any subject. That makes writing an essay, report or term paper very easy. We used to actually go to the library and find books on a subject, if there was one!! Now, you can sit in your underwear, in your living room and pull up information on The Cold War, The Great Wall of China or The Branches of Government. You just better not plagiarize any of it because they have that same computer to check for that!!
I suppose it is a good thing that we don't have to have all of those Encyclopedia Brittanica A-Z's in our living rooms now. They used to be decoration in our house but now I have leather bound, antique books as decoration. Some of which are not even written in English but I just thought they were "pretty"!! I'm such a loser!! Anyway, life may be easier now but back when I was a kid I could just copy that old information and cut pictures right out of the same encyclopedias to get an A+ on my projects!! So kiddos, Y'all better get to work on your projects!! Be sure not to copy ANYTHING word for word!! Hahahaha!! We may not have had the Internet, cable TV and Xbox but we also didn't have plagiarism software!!!! Who had the better childhood? BOOM!!
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