Okay, so I saw this chart on Facebook. It made me laugh but then it made me think about how many kids is too many? Here is the chart:

No matter how many children you have it is either not enough or too many. I have an only child. Not necessarily by choice but I was sick for 4 years after having him so we decided not to have any more and guess what? That is just fine with me!!! In keeping with the theme of being sick for 4 years, WE STOPPED HAVING KIDS!!!! "No" he isn't lonely. "No" he doesn't need a playmate, he has neighbors and friends!! "Yes" he can entertain himself. "Yes" having one child does make you a parent!!! Someone actually said to me that "you aren't really a parent unless you have more than one child"!! Umm. I can show you my damn C-section scar, my stretch marks and my extra skin on my belly to prove to you that I am a parent with just one kid!!! (Dumbass!!)
Seriously, why do other people make it their damn business how many children you and your spouse should have? I mean, if you aren't living off the government or someone else, it really is nobody's business how many children you have. If you have 18 children and can afford them, good for you!! The Duggar Family catches a lot of flack about how many children they have but the children seem happy and they can afford them all so it's nobody's business. Right? You can have one child and spend more time with that one child than a person with seven children can spend with all of seven combined. Or you could have seven children and be a very attentive mother and be more organized and giving than a person with one child. Right? You could have two children and need a full time nanny!! Being a parent isn't about how many children you have!! (Quantity) Being a parent is about quality. Don't let others raise your children, no matter how many you have and don't think that someone who has one child isn't as much of a parent as you are if you have more than one!!
Now, How many kids IS too many?? I think it is totally up to the individual Mom and Dad. Carefully consider your options before you have even one!!!
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