I love a good T-shirt. I would do most anything for a nice T-shirt. Don't judge me! You know that you love T's too! Who doesn't? If I were in charge of the world, I would mandate that every day is a T-shirt day. I would wear a T-shirt to black tie events if I could. I mean, really, who wants to spill an apple martini on your $500 dress? Then you have to take your $500 dress to the dry cleaners to get the apple martini stain out of your dress! (Not that I have ever done that.) Heck, if you go on Pinterest, you can make a ball gown out of a T-shirt! If I were filthy rich, I would just have better T-shirts. I would be able to wear T-shirts at my beach house decorated by Pottery Barn. T-shirts are just so comfortable. They can be plain and you can throw on a cardigan and look nice. They can have designs all over them and have a v-neck and look great. You can wear them 2 sizes too large and look comfortable. You can sleep in your husband's T-shirts. They make the the best night gowns. In the morning, you can throw on a pair of sweats or shorts and knock around the house until you are ready to take a shower or just throw on a pair of pajama pants and go to Walmart like most people do!!
T-shirts can tell a story. They can tell where you have been. They can tell who you have seen in concert. They can tell people that you are "Fabulous" or that you "Love Justin Beiber". You can tie dye a T-shirt and it will be a one-of-a-kind. You can wear a T-shirt with your favorite NFL or NBA team logo on it and show your support. Look at how many fundraising organizations give out T-shirts with any donation that you make. They know we just want the shirt!! I don't give a rat's behind about a spotted owl but I want the darn T-shirt!! It works out fine because these organizations just want your money and you get the "free" T-shirt!! That T-shirt may have, in reality, cost you $1,000 but you got the "free" T-shirt with the donation so it's okay!! Seems fair, right? Oh and how do you think all of these marathons get so many people to run? It's the T-shirts!! Most sane people hate to run!! But you give me a T-shirt and I might run a marathon. Okay, maybe just one of those short ones or do a Run/Walk but only if I get a new T-shirt.
Human beings love T-shirts so much that we buy them for our pets. I saw a little dog the other day with a Captain America T-shirt on. It was hilarious. We humans probably love T-shirts more than the dogs do. I know that it is true because we have options. We can wear crew neck, v-neck, tapered, ruffled, asymmetrical, long sleeved, short sleeved or no sleeved. The best part of a T-shirt is that anyone can wear one. No matter who you are or who you think you are, you can wear a T-shirt!! The homeless man on the street corner and the President of the United States wear T-shirts! Hail to the T-shirts!! Now, go put on your favorite T-shirt and have a great day!!
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