I have a friend who is a "Housewife". This person can do it all!! This person is a master gardener. Their garden has won "Yard of the Month" in a small town in South Carolina. This is a highly coveted award in this small town and there is major competition among the finely manicured lawns lining the streets of the town. **My plants are dying.
This person also cooks wonderful meals most every night. I see the menu on Facebook every night and think, "Hmm. My hot dogs don't sound as appetizing as their meal". Seriously, who has time to garden and cook? Their meals are also healthy and probably take hours to cook. **Mine is unhealthy and took minutes to cook.
This person also does community service throughout their community. How this person has time to do for others is beyond me. This person is always helping with community activities and with local charities. This person even collected shoes for the people of Haiti after the tragedy there a few years ago. Things like this are always going on at their house. This person also does community service with local young ladies who are in the pageant world. This person helps the ladies with every aspect of the pageant process and with their community service as well. Their motto is: "If you ain't giving, you ain't living." **I haven't done much for my community lately. I am, however, serving at the Union County Homeless Shelter this Saturday night.
This person hosts the most fabulous parties. Hundreds of people show up for these parties. Their Cinco De Mayo Party is legendary. There is also the Annual Redneck Casserole Supper. Ice Cream parties. Pretty much any day is a reason to have a party. A fabulous party, I might add. **I gave up on parties. It always RAINS!!!

This person and their husband decorate for Christmas beginning in early fall so that the "Santa House" is nearly perfect for the big day. They have over 20 Christmas trees in their yard for the holiday season.
**I can barely decorate one tree!!
Check this out:

This person does all of this along with daily duties of a housewife such as laundry, dishes, cleaning, shopping and all other duties that we housewives have. This person has a grown son and daughter and granddaughter. They now take care of a cat and 4 small dogs (All Yorkies and properly named after the cast of the greatest movie ever made, Steel Magnolias.) and tries to find homes for homeless pets. How cute is that??? **My 3 cats are driving me over the edge!!

This person is a cancer survivor. You would never know it and you will never hear this person complain about it. **I complain about a hangnail.
Would you like to know who this amazing housewife is?? Are you ready for this??
>>> KEEP
>>> DOWN
Well, here HE is...

Tim is the one on the left. His husband is Neil on the right. They live in South Carolina with their 4 dogs and cat in the "Santa House". Tim is the most amazing housewife EVER!!! I aspire in life to be as good a citizen as he is someday!! **No competition!! Tim wins!!!
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