School has been in session for one month around our household and I am already ready for summer break next year! My 12-year old son does more homework in the 7th grade than I ever did in college! These kids don't have time to go outside and blow off steam. They don't have time to talk to their friends or play video games or watch TV or ride bikes or socialize. And you know what that means, right? Neither does MOM!! I remember being able to come home after school and have a snack and then do a few questions of homework and then getting to veg the rest of the afternoon. That was living!! No wonder there are so-called "Helicopter Parents". They have to hover over the kids because they are having to help them with their homework! Seriously, I can help with Science, English and Social Studies and my husband can help with Math. (He lost me in 3rd grade with Math!! Word problems may as well be in Russian.) But Spanish!! Nobody can help with Spanish in my house!! We had to buy one of those language programs for the computer because I took 3 years of French. My husband speaks Dutch and Afrikaans. A lot of good that does us!! We have even had 2 music projects to do this year!! I mean, what happened to the music class like we had as kids? The crazy music teacher would come in with a big cardboard box and hand out some old beat up musical instruments and we would go to town beating on drums, playing horns, pinging the triangle and crashing the cymbals! Music class was fun!!
Look let's just be really honest. Mama doesn't like homework very much and neither does Daddy. Mama hasn't had a glass of wine on a week night since school started! If Mama doesn't get her wine, Daddy doesn't get either. What did you think I was going to say? Anyway, why can't kids be kids these days? Everything is a competition now. They have to make straight A's to get into college. They have to play the best in their sport so they can get a scholarship. They have to Study, Study, Study!! They have to Train, Train, Train!! Can't we just accept the fact that the Chinese are better than us and smarter than us and just go back to a simpler life? I didn't mind being behind the Chinese when I was in school. As long as we are smarter than the people of some small country in the Caribbean, I'm good with being behind the Chinese!! KIDS NEED TO BE KIDS!! STOP THE MADNESS!!
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