Now I swear I am not being judgmental but if you really want to feel good about yourself, just walk around Walmart for an hour. Trust me, you will see much larger muffin tops than you have. You will see much worse hairdos than you have. You will see much worse wardrobes than you have. You will see much worse teeth than you have. You will see at least 5 fake Louis Vuitton bags. (And I mean really bad fakes. Not the semi expensive ones.) You will see people who literally just rolled out of bed. PJs and bed head and all. Maybe even a pair of slippers. You will see much worse parenting skills than you have. I have seen a full on beating of a kid who needed it in Walmart. (I'm not for abusing children so don't message me but that kid needed his butt beat!!)
Before you even get out of your car, you will see reasons why you probably shouldn't go inside The Walmart. (Around here it is called "The Walmart".) There are people who have parked their beat up Volvos taking up 2 spaces. Now, really. If I can park my big ole tank in one space surely you can park your Volvo with a door that's a different color than the rest of the car in one space!! Then you will see carts, buggies, whatever you call them, littering the parking lot. I mean, there are 15 cart return places taking up 30 parking spaces littered all over the parking lot and you couldn't return your cart to one of them? Really? Then you will see the people in the parking lot and you think to yourself, "Is it safe to go inside?" but you do it anyway. Why is that? Of course, it's because you want to feel good about yourself. You look like a darn beauty queen going into that place!! But hey, if you don't want to put on makeup or even brush your teeth, you probably won't be the worst looking person there!!
I say we should all be required to go to Walmart once per week just so our self esteem is bolstered! Who doesn't want to be the best looking person in the room? At Walmart, it ain't that hard!! Now don't get me wrong. I love The Walmart when I need it. I mean where else can you get paint, ammo and cup-o-soup? Nowhere!! You will see it all at Walmart. From circus freaks to society's elite. We all need Walmart once in a while! So get on out to your local Walmart and see what you can see!! Trust me, you will feel much better about yourself when you leave!
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