Don't we all know those people who just bring you down? I like to call these people Eeyore. (Ya know? From Winnie The Pooh.) You see them in Target and you hope that they don't see you so you try to duck down the next aisle and you have to act like you are very interested in whatever is on that aisle. Then they follow you down the aisle and are like, "Hi, I didn't know that you had hamsters" and you have to say something stupid like, "Umm. Yeah we are thinking about getting one for the kids" and they are like "Oh no. You don't want to do that. We had one and it died after 3 days and then had to get another one and it lived for 15 years". And you just want to lie and say that you have had a terrible stomach virus and really need to go to the bathroom, really bad and rush away but you are too nice. No?? Yeah, me either. (Lie)
Wouldn't life be so much better if we all tried to have a positive outlook on life. I know it isn't always easy. Sometimes we get bad news or our friends or family have illnesses that could take them away from us so I'm not saying we should be all smiles all the time but some people just are always negative. "How are you today, Sammy?". (In Eeyore's voice) "Well, my knee has fluid on it and I have a hernia and I lost my cell phone and...". "Well, Sammy, I've got to go. See you soon". All we really wanted to hear was "I'm fine" unless there is a real problem that you will need my assistance on. That's why I was hiding from you in the hamster supplies aisle!! If you find yourself doing this all the time, try to stop it. You will find that people will enjoy your company and you will probably get invited to lunch more often if you are a positive force in this life. If you're happy and you know it clap your hands, CLAP, CLAP.
Is that mean? Am I just cruel? Seriously, if you see someone who you are not good friends with and they ask you how you are, please just say, "I'm good. How are you?". Even if your dog just died that morning and you have a migraine and a Charlie Horse, please just say that you are good and ask about the other person because they don't really want to hear all about it. And then if they are the negative ones, rush off to the bathroom in Target or the hamster aisle. You may see me there!! Oh and if you ever catch me being Eeyore, Call Me Out On It!!!!

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