I also mentioned that my son had said that he was going to take a course on women when he goes to college. I told him that a course on women would last 30 years and it is not a passable class. Well, if you took a class on the Psychology of Men, it would be just the opposite. It would take about 5 minutes and the final exam would be about 3 questions with all answers being "Yes". Men are simple creatures. They need few things in life. (1) Food (2) Shelter (3) Clothing (4) Money (5) Sex. End of list. See? Simple creatures right? If they had to do without any of these needs, I would guarantee that it would not be #5. You know I'm right!! Anyway, their food doesn't need to be fancy, their shelter doesn't need to be well decorated, their clothing doesn't need to match, they need money but not as much until they have a family and sex, well, if you are married, you know they don't care where or when or how as long as it happens. (This goes out the window with "The Gays". They like good food, well decorated shelter and tailored clothing. Money and sex are the same as straight men!)
I will try to make your final exam on the Psychology of Men a little harder. Here goes:
(Q) List the needs of men in order of importance.
(A) All 5 are number 1.
If you got the question right. You pass.
"The strength of women comes from the fact that psychology cannot explain us. Men can be analyzed, women ... merely adored." ~OSCAR WILDE
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