#15,034-Raising Kids To Be Good Adults, Not Good Kids
I don't care what anyone says, being a parent is the hardest job ever! You have one chance to get it right. If you are the mother then you will be the one who gets blamed for any character flaws in your child. If they are spoiled, it's your fault. If they are "trouble" then it's your fault. If they have any problem whatsoever, it is your fault. For some reason, the Dads get off free and clear!! I don't get it. Aren't Dads half of the parents? Anyway, we are raising these children to be good adults and we have to remember that. If we are just trying to raise good kids then most of us have succeeded but then when they become teens some of them get lost to the struggles of being a young adult. Some kids who are raised with very tight restrictions become wild animals when they are finally allowed some freedom and some kids turn out fine. Some kids who are given free reign turn into homeless drug addicts and some turn into very responsible adults. So what do we do? How do we know what is the right way to raise our children? I mean, some kids who are raised in church or even by pastors are awesome kids and others rebel. Some of the most rotten kids I knew were the pastors' kids. I remember one bringing beer to school and drinking it in middle school. Some of the nicest people that I know now, have never even been to church. I think every child is different. Every kid should be raised on a case by case basis. See what works for your particular child and do that. Some kids will need an occasional spanking, some can just be threatened with taking away a toy and they will never stray! Before you start telling me how horrible spanking is, I am not for beating or prolonged spanking but a little swat on the rear end has done wonders for my son. He hasn't had one in many years but I can threaten it and he straightens right up. The last time he got one, he had been talking during church and being disruptive and he deserved it. He got a swat on the rear end when he was three for lying to me and he has not lied to me again. That was 10 years ago. He may start lying to me tomorrow and never tell me the truth ever again but so far it worked.
So what is the correct form of parenting? Whose book should we go by? Dr. Sears? John Rosemond? Or should we just maybe take a little from each and use whatever advice works for us. To spank or not to spank? To use Time Out or not? Take away toys/gadgets? Ground them? Maybe it all changes and continues to change as they grow up. Maybe one thing works for you from birth until they are 18-years old. Maybe nothing works at all. Every child is different just like every adult is different. I've seen two children raised in the same house and raised by the same parents with the same parenting style and the kids are totally different. I've even seen twins who are completely different. I know some of it has to do with birth order or only children or if a sibling dies but it still amazes me.
I think that just spending time with our children daily and letting them know that they are loved is the best thing that we can do for them. Now before anyone starts saying, "But you only have one child. It's so easy to do with one child", I just want to say that it isn't that hard to give 10 children a hug and a kiss and tell them that you love them. Take that time everyday to tell each one of your children that you love them. Never EVER let their head hit the pillow at night without you telling them that you love them. Even on the days that they aren't that lovable remind them that you love them and that no matter what, you always will. I can't think of one thing that my son could ever do or say that would make me not love him. Okay, that being said, I am not the perfect parent and I'm not sure that there ever was a perfect parent besides our Heavenly Father and he loves us all unconditionally. So here is to all of us who are striving to be the best parent that we can be!! Hug and kiss those kiddos today and every day after that!! They grow up so fast.
A wise woman once told me she was raising her children to be awesome 30 year olds, not raising them to be adult children. Your advice on how to get there is spot on, girl! Very nice post :)
ReplyDeleteAwe, Thank you. We all have got to find what works for our children and just go with it. We have to raise good adults!!