Life Lesson #15,036-Real Problems
I have a real problem. I don't know when to keep my mouth shut or when to speak up. I need some help in this department. I saw a lady today with her dress on inside out. Should I have mentioned it to her or kept my mouth shut? Thing is, I was at a middle school soccer game and I didn't notice until the game was over and she walked over to where the other mothers were sitting. I don't know her but I know that she is the mother of one of the boys on the team. Plus, there were tons of people standing there and of course, everyone looked at me and said, "You should tell her". Why me? Could it be because they know what a big mouth I am? Could it be because they think I have no filter? Could it be because they know me well enough to know that I would want to know myself? Why didn't one of the other mothers speak up? Three Moms looked at me and said, "TELL HER"!!
Y'all know that's me below!!
Should I stand in Walmart and point out everyone who still has on their pajamas just in case they weren't aware that they came out of the house in their pajamas? (I mean, surely they aren't aware that they still have their pajamas on. People would never go out in public in their pajamas on purpose, right?) Should I stand inside the school and tell all of the 12-year old boys who have their flys open that they are walking around like that? Should I be responsible for telling people when they have smelly breath or body odor? Should I tell people when they are being rude or laughing too loud? (Okay, someone may need to tell me when I am being those things.) Should I tell those young men who walk around town with their pants below their waist to pull their pants up?? (Someone should totally do that one!!!!) Do we need to tell a friend that they have spinach in their teeth? Where do we draw the line and does it matter how well we know someone before we say something? Look, even if you don't know me, please don't let me walk around looking like a fool or smelling like a zoo animal.
I think if someone is going to be embarrassed about something, maybe we should speak up. If you see a lady with her skirt caught inside her underwear, we should speak up and not let her walk around like that. If a man is walking around with his toupee blown over, maybe someone should mention it to him. If you see a lady at a middle school soccer game with her dress on inside out, maybe you should mention it to her if you see it at the beginning of the game. When the game is over, you may as well let her get in her minivan and leave without saying anything. Your thoughts??
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