1. Every good Southern Belle owns at least one strand of pearls.
2. Every good Southern Belle has her monogram on something that she owns. (The more you have monogrammed, the better.)
3. Every good Southern Belle owns many, many pairs of flip flops. (You will need these year round.)
4. Every good Southern Belle owns a crock pot or 4. (Yes, I have 4. What of it?)
5. We all own a Lilly dress. (If you have to ask who Lilly is then you are not Southern.)
6. We all own a pair of cowgirl boots, just in case we ever need them.
7. We all know what koozies are and we use them accordingly.
8. We all own a wide brimmed hat. You never know when you will be invited to The Derby or The Cup.
9. We all own at least one pair of Sperrys.
10. Jack Rogers sandals. Need I say more.
11. Every good Southern Belle knows the proper way to say Sugar and Darling. If you say them like they are spelled then you aren't Southern. It's Sugah and Dahling.
12. We all know that a chandelier on a front porch is just...................................................fabulous!!!!
13. We all know what it means when we hear "I'm fixin' to". (It means I'll do it directly.) (Soon.)
14. Don't start anything with us that you don't want us to finish. (Like a fight.)
15. Good manners are not an option. We write "Thank You" notes and mail them.
16. SEC football and ACC basketball. 'nuff said.
17. Every good Southern Belle knows how to throw a party. We make sure that everyone else has food and drink before we will even consider having a mint julep.
18. Dogwoods are a tree and a flower. Yes they are!! Yes they are!!
19. They are Lightnin' Bugs, not Fireflies.
20. Southern Belles can fry just about anything.
21. China should not be saved for special occasions. It's Sunday. That's special enough.
22. Southern Belles know the difference between a redneck, a hillbilly and white trash.
23. Southern Belles have their favorite literature on their coffee tables. Southern Living and The Holy Bible.
24. Southern Belles own at least one item from a flea market. We may lie and say we got it in Charleston or Savannah though.
25. When a Southern Belle says "Sweetie" or "Bless Your Heart", watch out!! She just insulted you.
26. A man in a bow tie or a seersucker suit is SEXY!! Throw in a pair of cream colored Bucks and WOW, somebody is getting lucky tonight!
27. Southern Belles know the difference between a Ford and a Chevrolet.
28. Southern Belles know how to use charm to get something done. Especially things that we don't really want to do ourselves.
29. Southern Belles secretly wish that we could still wear those frilly Scarlett O'Hara dresses.
30. If you want a Southern Belle, build a plantation style house with real shutters and a long driveway. Plant some water oaks and put Spanish Moss in the trees and you will be married by sundown!!
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