If you know anything about Greek Mythology, you know about Pandora's Box and how if it had gotten opened we would all know what our future held. I would like to peek into that box sometimes to see if and when certain things will or will not happen but part of the fun in life is not knowing when those ups and downs will be. Who out there hasn't thought about someone and planned on calling or visiting them and then you hear that person has died. We always say, "Oh, I was just thinking about _____ and I should have gone to see him/her. Why didn't I go and see that person?" We all have done that. Here is my solution for that...I suggest that we all start treating each other like we would if that was the last time that we would ever see each other. Here in the South, when someone dies we always bring casseroles or desserts to the grieving family. Why not bring a family a casserole just because you love them? Don't send me flowers when I die! Send me flowers today!! Try not to ever leave anyone that you love feeling unloved. Always say "I Love You" when you mean it.
Live without regrets. Our mistakes made us who we are today. The roads we travel have brought us to this place. We may not be happy 100% of the time but just remember that today could be one of those orange squishy stuff type of days or it could be the yummy milk chocolate covered caramel type of days. Let's hope for that!!
Well, great! Now I want some chocolate.
This is soo true!