Let's move on to the cabinets. My pots and pans are not organized at all. You risk you life when you open the coffee mug cabinet. We have about 47 coffee mugs of all shapes and sizes. They do not stack well when they are all different sizes and that stupid handle keeps the small ones from going inside the large ones!! My cabinet holding my glasses is a freaking mess. When you have a kid, you have tons of plastic cups from every restaurant in town. You are not allowed to throw those away because of the "memories"!! (As my son says!!) They do go missing from time to time.
Apparently, SAHMs are supposed to cook a nice dinner every night. One meat, one bread and a minimum of 2 vegetables. VEGETABLES?? Is cheese a vegetable? I sure hope so because that's about as close to a vegetable as we got last night!! Sandwiches are on the menu tonight!! Please, don't call DSS on me!!
My refrigerator is littered with many packages of sandwich meat and cheeses. I never eat sandwich meat so my husband checks their freshness before he eats a sandwich. If I hear him gagging then I know it is time to replace the ham. If I hear him throwing up, I know it is time to replace the bacon. Did you know that rotten bacon still smells heavenly when it is cooking??? Well, it does. Be sure to check the date BEFORE cooking. Oh and if it is brown, it is probably going to make your husband throw up. My husband is from Africa. They are supposed to have iron stomachs!! Guess he has been here in America too long. He has softened!!
My linen closet doesn't look any better than the other cabinets in my house. Why do I have so many sets of sheets? I always just strip the bed, wash the sheets and put them back on the bed. I guess I have several sheet sets for the beds just in case someone pees or vomits in the bed. There really is no other reason to have more than one set of sheets. If you have a child who pees or vomits a lot, you may want to keep a spare set.
I've really got to get my $H!T together!! But then again...
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