So what? Wonder Woman has that magic lasso. Wonder Woman has that invisible jet. Wonder Woman can kick your butt! I may not have the magic lasso or the invisible jet but I can do 5 loads of laundry and you will never know anything about it. The magic of laundry happens when you aren't here. I can do dishes in no time. You will see them piled up in the sink and *poof* they are gone. What happened to the dishes? They are done!! I can make a bed in 2 minutes flat so you may not see me doing that either. What is it? Is it magic? Yes! Yes, that's what it is!! It's magic!!
What do Stay-At-Home Moms do all day? Well, we get everyone up. Make sure that everyone has clean clothes to wear today. We even get up before everyone else so we can be sure that the coffee pot is ready when the hubby wants his morning coffee. We pack the backpacks of the little munchkins so that they don't leave their homework sitting on the coffee table in the living room. (Again.) We do this so we don't have to make a second trip to the school. We drive carpool. Once the kids are in school we do that magic laundry trick, load the dishwasher and make beds. We go to the grocery store and put dinner in the crock pot. We run the errands that the husband has listed for us to do. Go to the bank, drop off the car to be serviced, pay bills, clean up the cat puke off of the rug, we may go and get a workout done or we may go home and take a nap (don't judge). We clean up the living room and playroom and take out the trash. We fold the blanket that is on the couch. I am positive that I fold that blanket at least 3 times a day!! We see the stains on the carpet and scrub them until our hands are raw. We pick up kids from carpool and take the neighbors home and start on homework. Serve dinner and chill for a few minutes until bedtime. We usually are the first ones up and the last ones to go to bed. Going to bed usually goes something like this: "Goodnight, Honey, I am going to bed." Then we look in the sink and see a few cups and dishes that need to be put in the dishwasher. Then we remember that we had a load of towels in the dryer so we go and fold them and put them away. We get out the PE clothes for the child to wear tomorrow and set out their uniform for school. We go into the bathroom and find clothing on the floor and pick them up and put them in the clothes hamper (that is exactly 1 inch from the clothing on the floor). We brush our teeth and wash our face. We then remember that the bar of soap that is in the shower is too small to wash a human body with so we open a new one and replace it with the itty bitty chip of a bar of soap. Then we remember that tomorrow is a friend's birthday so we go back downstairs and fill out a birthday card and pop it into the mailbox. By then we are exhausted and we collapse. (If we are lucky!!) Then we wake up tomorrow and do it all over again.
Again, I am not saying that I am Wonder Woman but someone does all of the stuff around here that wouldn't get done if Wonder Woman didn't exist. Oh and that whole kicking your butt thing that Wonder Woman does. Well, let's just say that if you mess with our families, you can consider your butt kicked!!!
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