That awkward moment when you run straight into someone in Target who you cannot avoid talking to. You came around the corner and your cart almost slammed right into theirs and you see who it is in 0.00001 of a second and you don't have time to duck into the hamster supply aisle. You may even be "friends" with this person on Facebook, Instagram, MySpace, and Linkedin but you may hate that person and here you are stuck in the feminine hygiene aisle with her and you have to quickly choose your poison. Do you look at this person and smile and be cordial or do you look at her and pretend that you don't even recognize them? Or you could just go all out and punch her in the face because of her being rude to you in 1989, or was it because she dated your ex, or was it because you heard that she may have said something about you but you aren't really sure? What to do? What to do? AWKWARD!!
That awkward moment when you realize that you are really close to someone who has major life beliefs that differ from yours and you had no idea. Maybe when you are out with friends getting ready to eat lunch, you bow your heads and start to say a prayer and your friend doesn't close their eyes or bow their head. You figure it out really quick but what do you do? If you are me and you don't care one bit about imposing your beliefs on others, you just say your prayer and eat and don't call attention to it. Or you are sitting there with a group of friends and someone says something about the president in mixed company. And by mixed company, I mean Democrats and Republicans. You are thinking "Oh crap! What am I going to say?". You know that you want to say something one way or the other but you aren't sure what to say. You may do what I do and text the person who is putting their foot in their mouth and just say "Stop talking!!!" or you may just sit back and watch the show!! AWKWARD!!
That awkward moment when your husband comes in and asks "What's for dinner?" and you haven't even thought about it. Or when he walks in the house and says "How was your day? What did you do today?" and all you can think of is that 4 hour nap that you took and how the beds aren't even made yet and you don't want him to go upstairs yet so you can quickly make the beds so you send him to take out the trash and you bolt upstairs to do the quick sweep before he misses you! Oh, you've never done that one? Well, I never claimed to be Martha Stewart and my beds may not be done before 7:00PM. AWKWARD!!
There are so many awkward moments in life but the worst is when you have made a serious social faux pas. Such as: Cursing in church, in a parent-teacher conference or when you have someone else's child in your car. Going to a party where "No Gifts" were on the invitation and you are the only one who doesn't bring a gift. The world's worst, most awkward moment that has ever been recorded in human history and most people have done it at least once. That is the dreaded question "So when is your baby due?" and the response is "Oh, I'm not pregnant" and you just want to pass out, drop dead or get called away immediately by the CIA on a secret mission to Siberia. I have been on both ends of that question and I remember how I felt. That is the definition of AWKWARD!!!
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