I tell you what. I have gotten to know some kids and some good middle school gossip driving carpool. If it is my usual school carpool. The mornings are pretty quiet because the kids are still half asleep. If it is afternoon, I get to hear what happened at school all day. I can usually tell you who got in trouble, who had silent lunch, who broke up with their boyfriend or girlfriend and all other middle school drama. Well, all of the drama that middle school boys are aware of. They are pretty clueless about drama but sometimes they catch the tail end of a conversation about something going on and can give you the play by play. But driving the soccer team to practice or picking them up from practice, WOW!! Driving Mama gets an education!! Sometimes Driving Mama has to do the educating. This DM got an education about how young middle school boys are when they start having "boners". Yes, one of the boys that I had just picked up from soccer practice said, "I've got a boner!" I mean, what do you say to that? Yep, SILENCE. Anyone who knows me knows that I am rarely speechless but all you heard were crickets chirping.
When there is the carpool feud you have to hear, "Mom, I don't want to carpool with Leonard anymore!!" "I hate him!!" "He is so mean." That is a big ole con to the carpool. Another con is if you are the one to have to pick up kids from anything, they will likely not smell as fresh as they did when you dropped them off. School pick up is not too bad but soccer, basketball, football or any other sport pick up can be very smelly. I have threatened about 7 different 10-13-year olds within an inch of their lives if they take off their cleats in my car. KEEP THE SMELL INSIDE THE SHOE UNTIL I GET YOU TO YOUR HOUSE!! Boys smell like ass and sweat when you pick them up from practice or games so the "shoe on" rule applies in my car. Now I wish my car had some sort of armpit rule. I haven't figured out how to keep the armpits from being smelly yet.
Funny story about how smelly my car can be. I had 4 smelly boys in my car and was dropping off the first one at his house. His dad was out in the yard and came over to the car to say hello. He came over to the passenger side of my car and stuck his head in the window and said "Hello" and then took a breath and abruptly removed his head from the window. He then began questioning who was the stinky one and what had died in his shoes. Honestly, I could not pinpoint who was the stinkiest!! Everyone got a shower before bed that night, I am sure of that!!
Anyway, there are more pros than cons to carpooling so I'm gonna keep doing it. I just hope that I don't get educated or have to give education to any more little boys about subjects that would make their daddies blush!! I have explained more than I care to list here in not-so-medically-appropriate terms to a carload of boys who asked me questions that they did not want to ask their parents. Look, if you are crazy enough to allow your child to carpool with me, your child is going to be exposed to bad words and will have their questions answered unless I have no idea about what they are talking about. I will set them straight about things that they are wrong about. I will scream at them if they are too loud or being obnoxious little whiny butts. Oh and I call it like I see it. If you don't like it, find someone else to carpool with. I probably don't want your Rugrat riding along anyway!!
Go Green-Carpool!!
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