Thursday, December 13, 2012

Lesson #15,074-Men Need Banged Up Side The Head Sometimes

If your man is like mine, he doesn't get subtle hints.  He doesn't get obvious hints.  He, most of the time, doesn't get it when I come right out and say, "This is what I want"!  I have been married for 16 years and have been with the same man for 19 years.  God love him but he gives horrible gifts.  He's a good man, a good provider and a good husband and father but he is a horrible gift giver.  He was brought up only getting one gift from his parents on Christmas and birthdays were not a big deal.  I always got tons of gifts for Christmas and my parents always made a big deal of birthdays.  Yes, we literally grew up on opposite sides of the world.  He has learned to take part in Thanksgiving, Independence Day and all other American holidays that he didn't grow up celebrating but his gift giving skills have not improved much.  Sooooo.  I had to resort to the hinting.  Well, that didn't go so well.  A few years ago there was a jacket that I wanted and so I hinted about where it was and how much I liked it.  Bless his heart, he went to the mall and went to JC Penny and bought me a warm up jacket off the clearance rack.  Then he went to Sears and bought me a warm up jacket off the clearance rack.  Then he went to some store that I have never heard of and bought me a warm up jacket off the clearance rack.  I am pretty sure he could have bought the jacket that I wanted if he wouldn't have bought 3 ugly ones that I didn't.  Oh well. Don't get me wrong. I love a clearance rack, just not those!!
Clearance rack! Fave. #MyBFDeals #cbias
I do believe that I have seriously figured out a way to get just what I want.  I want a pair of Bailey Button, Size 6, Ugg Boots, Chestnut in color.  I found the cheapest ones on the Internet and emailed him the link.  I even told him that was all I wanted.  Seriously, since I bought myself all of those great clothes at GAP and J. Crew when I was supposed to be Christmas shopping, I don't need anything else.  Honestly, we are going to help some other families who aren't as fortunate as we are and I feel like a big ole piece of crap asking for another handbag or piece of jewelry that I don't need.  I'm not a big jewelry person anyway.  I would rather have a couple nice pieces of jewelry and have plenty of shoes than only get jewelry at every occasion.  Don't get me wrong.  I would never turn away one of those little blue boxes with a white bow.  I ain't no fool!  However, I love shoes!! I have an obsession with shoes.  If I were a billionaire I would have a library of shoes to go with my tshirts!! (Y'all know I love a nice tshirt!)
UGG Bailey Button Triplet Boots - StyleSays
So, ladies, if you want something, just send your man an email with what you want.  He will probably appreciate you not hinting and not sending him out shopping like a lost sheep and he will appreciate you not wasting his time.  Most men that I know are black & white beings.  Women are gray area experts but men hate gray areas.  Just bang him up side the head with the truth and don't beat around the bush about it!!  He will love you for it!!  I will let you know if he is able to follow directions on December 25th!!!!  I am sure that there will be another Christmas with jackets off the clearance rack from JC Penny again but this year, he has no excuse!!

#Christmas #Gift #Wrap #MichaelsStores
((Did I really just write another blog about buying me Christmas gifts?? Yeah, I think I did!!))

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