Okay, so, we are what 2 weeks away from the big day and I have not bought one Christmas present yet. I suppose I had better get on that immediately since I only have one week before school is out. It is just overwhelming, ya know? I mean, I went shopping last week but all I found was stuff for me. People say that Christmas is about the giving and not the receiving but I say, "Blah, Blah, Blah". It's really about me getting some new stuff for at least 40% off the regular price. I spent $150 in GAP and "saved" $197. See?? I saved money on myself!!!! If only my husband thought the same way that my GAP receipt does. I say "But look, honey, I saved $197" and he spoils it by saying, "No, HONEY, you
spent $150"!! UGH!!! I don't even want to tell you what I
"Saved" at J. Crew!! I'm tired of this "giving" thing!! I want to
"receive"!! What's wrong with that? It's all about doing for others!! Puke!! Besides, I have to do all of the shopping so there is all of this temptation all around me in every store except Bass Pro Shops, no I take that back there's good stuff in there too!! I have even been in Tractor Supply and found some cute rain boots!! That is a farm store for Pete's Sake!!! I cannot be trusted at a mall!! I cannot be trusted at TJ Maxx!! I cannot be trusted in a boutique!! A strip mall, a home goods store or even Costco!!

So, what is a shopaholic to do when I am supposed to be buying for others? I suppose I could make a list and stick to it. (What fun is that?) I could only shop in a discount store. (Where I don't shop for clothes or shoes.) I could shop at Lowe's. (But they have nice stuff too!) Maybe Internet shopping is the answer. But gosh darn it they have "suggestions" for me on the side as soon as I look up an item and I do love those ceramic birds from One Kings Lane!! How does this website know that I am a member of Beyond The Rack? Yahoo knows EVERYTHING!!! Every time I turn on my computer and my homepage comes up they have suggestions on the side for me!! So I'm like reading the headlines of the day and BAM!! there is my favorite stuff from Pottery Barn on the side of the page. It is all of the stuff that I put in my shopping cart just to see how much it would cost to redo my living room and wow, oh, wow I sure do want that white sofa with slip covers and those chevron pillows. Oh sorry!! See I can't even write this blog without getting side tracked by shopping for ME!!

Okay, I've gotta go. I've really got to shop for others now...I'll let you know tomorrow what I buy myself!! Merry Christmas to me, From me!!
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