Who cares what color you are? We are humans!! God loves us all equally, no matter what color you are. If you are thinking about race so much, YOU are the racist. You just don't want to admit it! Don't get me wrong, there are white people who hate people of other races. There are black people who hate other races. There are Asians who hate other races. Racism does exist just not like the media makes it look like because of Political Correctness!!
If you are Jewish and say "Happy Hanukkah" to me I will not be offended. If you are black and say "Happy Kwanza" to me I will not be offended. So why is it not proper to say "Merry Christmas"? Let's call a spade a damn shovel!! It is Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, New Year's Day, etc. Not a non-specific winter holiday. I don't mind "Happy Holidays". It is the holidays. What I hate is calling a Christmas tree a "holiday tree". It's a CHRISTMAS TREE!!!! You sound like an idiot calling it a "holiday tree"!! It's called a menorah, not a religious candelabra. I think companies are so afraid of offending someone that they offend everyone!!
What about Indians? There are Native Americans that used to be called American Indians that used to be called Indians. Then there are Indians from India who it is okay to call Indians. But then that gets confusing because if you say that John is Indian, we still don't know if he is an India Indian or a Native American Indian because we were brought up calling them both Indians.
Are we becoming a society of whiny butts? Can nobody take a joke anymore? If I hear a black comedian telling jokes about white people, I think it is funny. Maybe it is because I was not brought up with kid gloves on. If I was being an ass, it wasn't because I was a girl or because I was white, it was because I was being an ass. I have always been short. It has never bothered me. Kids in school would pick on me and I would just laugh too. Maybe if I was 12 inches tall, it would bother me but being 6 inches shorter than other girls does not bother me. My big mouth more than makes up for my shortness!! You want to pick on me?? Bring it!! I can take it!! Would I walk up to a "little person" (aka a midget) and pick on them about their height just because I could? Absolutely not! But, if you are a "little person" you better get used to short jokes and not get offended every time someone picks on you. BTW, when I was a kid they were called midgets and now they are called little people. I can't keep up with the PC terms because they change daily!!!
Look, if we cannot laugh at ourselves once in a while, life will just be boring. Lighten up!
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