Oh my gosh!! There is a horrible illness that I would not wish on anyone. It must be the most awful disease that has ever afflicted mankind. I don't think any woman would know about it because apparently we are immune to it. It only happens in the human male species. It's called
The Man Cold. This illness renders our men helpless. The afflicted man can only lay on the couch, watch TV, nap, cough, sneeze, snort, complain, order hot cocoa and food, whine, and be helpless. It is like having an infant again. Every little thing must be attended to by a man's wife! The poor, sick man can only use his fingers to change the channel on the TV remote and to text his wife when he needs something else, even if she is in the same room with him. Poor baby, can't even speak!!! I am thrilled that I am a woman and can never, ever get The Man Cold. I mean, thank God!! It is supposedly worse than the swine flu, cancer or childbirth. I know that having a C-section was really rough and even being so anemic that my hemoglobin was only 4, (Yes, 4!!) but apparently this Man Cold is serious business. Maybe when men become infected with the virus they should be admitted directly into ICU. I mean, who better to take care of these helpless little men, than highly trained Registered Nurses?? There is usually a doctor around the unit so there would be care provided 24/7. Or maybe there is some sort of medication that could be administered that would keep him in a medically induced coma until the illness has run its' course.
(Bad word alert. Sorry but it is funny!!)

Now why is it that a woman can have the same symptoms but for some reason, it isn't that bad? Or is it that moms never stop? Are men just big babies or are women just tougher? They say that we are the weaker sex but seriously if you have ever seen a man with a tiny cold, you know who is the weaker sex!! I mean, REALLY!!!???!!! Okay, so all the women should go out and get multivitamins, Echinacea, protein shakes, herbal teas, anything to keep our men healthy!!! Don't let this happen to your man!!!
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