Friday, November 2, 2012

Life Lesson #15,048-Ma'am??

OMG!! Within 30 seconds two different people called me ma'am yesterday!! When did that happen?  When did I become a ma'am?  I know that I live in the South and there are gentlemen here, but ma'am??  One girl was about 19-years old but the other person was a man about my age.  Did he think I was older than him or was he just  being a Southern gentleman??  Did the word "Ma'am" directly correlate to my age or was it just him being polite?  What the heck??  Am I ready to be a ma'am?  I mean, I haven't gone through ma'am training.  I haven't read the rules of what being a ma'am requires.  What do I need to change?  Would I need to change anything at all?  I'm a little afraid of the life after the ma'am becomes permanent.  Will I be required to be proper?  Do I need to wear white gloves to tea?  Do I need to go to tea? Should I find ladies to go to tea with?  Where can I get tea?  Are my friends ready to be ma'ams too?  It is a huge responsibility to be a ma'am.  I don't think I am worthy of the title just yet!!  I mean, I don't wear pearls and eat scones daily.  I do not even use The Queen's English!! Oh for Pete's sake!! I am not ready for the ma'am thing!! I just am not ready for it!!  Maybe a few more years and maybe once I am nominated to the Garden Club or The Women's Club.  Who am I kidding?  Who's gonna nominate me to those exclusive clubs???  Hahaha!!  So, we agree that I am not ready for this Ma'am responsibility, right?

So what do I say to someone who says something like, "Excuse me, ma'am"?  Should I correct them and let them know immediately that I have not been accepted into that exclusive club yet?  Should I just keep my mouth shut and let them think that I am part of that upper echelon of society?  What to do??? What to do??? Ma'am is really a title that should only be worn by those who deserve it, like a Princess, Queen, Lady, Madame, etc.   Can I refuse to be a ma'am or am I required to take the title when more than one person calls me ma'am in the same day?  I need help!!!

I think if you are under 20-years old, you are a young 'un but at what age are you a ma'am?  Please don't tell me that I must accept it when people start calling me ma'am!! I refuse!!!

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