Seriously, who really wants to be in charge of this country? You must be crazy!! I mean, that's like saying that you want to move into a house that has burned down. Sure, sign me up for that!! Actually the house is still on fire!! And guess what?? Everyone wants credit for calling the fire department, getting the fire trucks there, pulling out the water hoses, turning on the water and putting the fire out. But then there is red tape to cut through before you can pick up the phone and speak to the 911 operator. It must be approved by 2 different sides that hate one another. Then we must pick a firehouse to respond. This one is closer but this one has done more for the city than the other one. This one has a bigger truck that holds more water but the other one has a ladder truck. Let's put that up for discussion then award the contract to this firehouse. The discussion is deadlocked while the house is still burning down. The residents are screaming "The house is on fire and now it is spreading" but the two sides continue to fight. Honestly!! Who wants this job?
Why do we call it a "Political Party"? That is crap! I went and voted last week and nobody was partying!! There was no wine, BBQ, chips & salsa, cake or even a balloon. I did, however, get a sticker when I walked out of the building. Gee thanks!! A glass of Moscato would have better!! Of course, if they were passing out wine, I am sure it would have had to have been wine approved by all political parties, the environmentalists, the labor unions and the ABC Board. I think I will just buy my own because that wine would probably taste like crap if all sides agreed on it!!
So I promised you in my title that your life lesson today would explain politics. Here goes...Ummm. Uhhh. Hmmm. Oooh. Yeah. Look, I can't explain it. Just go and vote. Educate yourself on all the candidates and what they are for and against. Pray for our country and our leaders. That's all we can do.
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