#1 The doctor that I worked for had just started a new practice in a small town and he was 1 of only 2 doctors in town. Everyone knew that the other doctor was a quack so everyone began coming to the new guy in town. There was a patient who had cancer and was not doing well so what did her family do? Call 911? Call Hospice? Take Mom to the hospital ER? NOOOOOO. They brought her to the office half dead and wheeled her in the door in a wheelchair. Well, needless to say, she died within minutes of coming in the door. Now remember, this was a new practice in a small town and people were just beginning to come to this office and we really needed it to succeed so we could all keep our jobs. Well the doctor was quick thinking and decided that there was no way that the family was calling the funeral home to come over and pick up her body so he called 911 and told them to back the ambulance up to the side door. Well the paramedics got there and put her on the gurney and covered her up and was about to wheel her out of the room when the doctor started screaming and cursing them. He walked over and propped her up, uncovered her face, put a nasal cannula (oxygen tube) in her nose and then gave the okay for her to be wheeled out. See funny, right?? Maybe you had to be there. He actually had a valid point. I mean, who would ever want to go to a doctor if they saw someone being wheeled out by a funeral director or on a gurney with a sheet covering the patient's head?? Certainly not me!!
I have more. Come back tomorrow for more...I have to think of another one "clean enough" to tell on this blog.
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