Okay, So Bon Jovi is tonight. What does a 29-year old (Shut up!! I will always be 29!) mama wear to see Bon Jovi? I mean, mom jeans are out, for sure. (I wouldn't want Jon and Richie to see me in mom jeans.) Leather pants are definitely out. (Again, I wouldn't want Jon or Richie or anyone else for that matter seeing me in leather pants.) Sexy cut off shirts are out because nobody wants to see a muffin top hanging out the bottom of the cut off shirt and it would not be called a "sexy" cut off shirt. Comfortable shoes are a must. It's not like anyone will see my shoes anyway. It will be dark in the arena. Quite honestly, I think most of the women who are going tonight are having the same anxiety about what to wear! We are "women of a certain age" who lived our glory days in the 80's and still love that hair band music. To us, 80's rock is the best music that there will ever be. We probably had hair that was large. Bangs that made us 4 inches taller. Wore tore up acid wash jeans and loved us some glitter eyeshadow. Nowadays, the glitter eyeshadow only enhances the extra wrinkles on our eyelids so we steer clear of that!! We also steer clear of the blue eyeliner and the iced pink lip gloss!

Okay, so back to what to wear. I am thinking definitely flat boots, jeans and a white shirt with a sweater. I am sure that I won't be the worst dressed or the best dressed and I am okay with that. Really, it's not like I am gonna get to go backstage for an autograph session and if I did what would I do differently anyway? I'm a SAHM!! The only people who will see me are the people who sit nearby. I have a confession to make. I'm not really 29!!

Okay, so let's go rock it out tonight!! Did I mention that my 13-year old is gonna be my date tonight? He is way cuter than Jon or Richie!!
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