(Kids, This is what a thug looks like! Not a hero!)
I really worry about our kids/teens today. Their heroes are Kim Kardashian and Miley Cyrus. Whomever sells the most People magazines is the teen idol of the week. Why not stop giving people press who have done nothing in their lives? Paris Hilton never did anything but make a sex tape and inherit money. Same thing with Kim Kardashian. That is what they are famous for!! Then there is Lindsay Lohan. She is just a train wreck, drug addict and thief!! What is the fascination with these losers? Why don't we have higher standards for our idols?
(These are not heroes!!)
(This certainly is not a hero!)
(Neither is this!!!)
My heroes and idols have changed since I was a teenager. I used to think that actors and rock stars were the most awesome people. Now I know the truth. Mere humans are fallible but there are a few that I look up to and respect. One is my friend, Kathy Bragg. Kathy is in charge of our Community Shelter here in town. They serve 3 meals a day, provide food and supplies to not only homeless but also disadvantaged families in the community and, of course, provides shelter for the night to our homeless. Another friend, Sheila Crunkleton, is in charge of our local chapter of The Red Cross. Sheila and Kathy are my heroes because they are not only good people but also care about our entire community. Every fundraiser for every charitable organization here in the area will include Kathy and Sheila. I have never seen either one of them on the cover of People Magazine, In Touch, US Weekly or even rags like The National Enquirer!! If I ever do, I will know that Americans have changed their priorities!! Don't expect to see Kathy or Sheila on the cover of a magazine though. They will have to settle for a little praise from my little blog!! Here's to you ladies!!!

These are heroes. Kathy Bragg and Sheila Crunkleton.
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