Could it be because children get to play with toys? I mean toys are very distracting. Even a very mad baby will sometimes stop crying when they hear a rattling toy. Maybe adults need distractions to keep us happy. You thought I was going to say adults need toys, didn't you? Actually, some adults do have toys!! (Not those toys!) I mean motorcycles!! 4-wheelers!! Golf clubs!! I am positive that I have never seen an adult crying on a motorcycle, 4-wheeler or with a golf club in their hand. Maybe we all need to find a toy that makes us happy!
Could it be because children aren't jaded by life. When children are small, they don't care what color a playmate is. They don't care if the child is chubby or skinny, short or tall, rich or poor. Anyone who will play is just fine with them. They don't care if they are dirty. They don't care if they have clean clothes on. They don't know if they are wearing designer clothing. They hold no prejudices. They don't know about social status. Adults could learn a thing or two from this.
Could it be because they have short attention spans? They can be crying and angry and a few minutes later they are laughing and seem to have not a care in the world. If we all could forget our troubles as quickly as children do, we would be happier people. Maybe it is because children take naps!! Everyone should take occasional naps!!
Could it be because children like colorful things? If you look around my house, you will see a lot of drab colors that we call "neutrals". If you look at my clothing, you will see a lot of black and gray. I have a spot of orange, green and blue here and there but mostly drab colors. If you look at my sons closet, there are very colorful shirts in his stack. Green, orange, blue, yellow, red, lots and lots of red!! Maybe I should wear more colors!! Also his bedroom and playroom has colorful items on the walls. Maybe I should hang colorful items on the walls all over the house. Then maybe we would all be happier people.
Could it be the obvious? Children don't worry about money. Mom and/or Dad pays the bills. If the power is turned off, they don't care. They love playing with flashlights! If the rent isn't paid, they get to move into a new room. They get excited about that!! If someone else would pay our bills, maybe we would be happier. Okay, yes, we would be happier people.
Let's all agree to find a toy to play with, not be so judgmental, forget about our troubles, be more colorful and find someone to pay our bills!! Okay, maybe we have to pay our own bills but maybe we should take the other lessons from children and relax and enjoy life and we will find more happiness.

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