Moms tend to be gentle and loving. We get the kids all calmed down and ready for bed and the dads start rolling around on the floor with them and holding them up in the air by their ankles and swinging them around and around and around. Then Dad wants them to be quiet so he can watch TV and he falls asleep on the couch and leaves mom to get the kids calmed back down and ready for bed. Sound familiar? Dads are rougher!!
Since moms are with the kids more we can overlook more infractions. Dad walks in from work and the kids are bouncing off the walls and screaming and running around and mom is oblivious. As long as nobody is screaming bloody murder and they're not bothering Mom, she doesn't care. Dad looks at Mom like she is off her rocker, which she probably is from being home with these wild children all day. Dad walks into the living room and says "What in the world is going on in here?" and the kids look like a deer in the headlights. They are thinking "Oh shit. Dad's home. Gotta behave now". Mom could have said to be quiet, calm down, sit down or chill out 100 times but Dad just has to say it once. Makes no sense!! Mom gave birth to you rugrats and you listen to Dad??
Dads hear the same story about what happened today at school and have a way different perspective about what to do the next time it happens. Here is the story that the kid tells: "I was at school today, minding my own business and this kid said that I was a poopy head". Mom will say, "Well, honey, just try to be nice to this kid" or "just ignore him" and Dad walks in and hears the same story and says, "You walk up to this kid and punch him in the nose". No joke!! Dad says he doesn't care if you get suspended, you just better not take crap from that kid ever again and that kid's dad was a nerd in high school.
At the soccer games, the moms sit on the sidelines talking and cheering on the kids and telling them "good job". Dads stand on the sidelines screaming at the kids and telling them to "push that kid back when he pushes you". Guess who gets in more altercations at soccer games? Don't get me wrong, I have been in an altercation at the soccer field too but it was with a DAD!!! He let his team say "F*** You", instead of "Good Game". He was the coach and let his team be bad sports!!
The sex talk is another difference that parents have. Moms explain it all in great detail. We explain the dangers of sex too young, sex with random people, how you can get in a lot of trouble and how it can ruin your life and your plans for achieving your dreams and goals. Dads just say "Don't do it" and "Protect yourself"! Actually some dads are like "Atta boy"!! What to do?? What to do??
So who is more fun? Mom or Dad? I say MOM!!! Of course, I would say that!!
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