No matter which side of the aisle you may be on. You may be Conservative, moderate or liberal. You may be Republican or Democrat. You may bleed Red or Blue. Either way, if you live in America, you are blessed. The poorest people in our country would be wealthy in some other countries. People have died trying to get here. People would die to send their children here. We have freedoms here that most countries can only wish for. We can have our own opinions about politics or religion without the fear of a government officer coming to arrest us or worse. No wonder so many people want to come here. It is the land of the free and home of the brave.
Watching the RNC last night made me think about these things. As Americans, we should be so proud to live in this country. We should never apologize for our freedoms. We should be proud to have the military personnel that we have to protect us both domestically and abroad. (If you don't stand behind our military, by all means, stand in front of them.) Everyone in America has the opportunity to go to school. Public schools in some foreign countries are not free. They actually pay tuition to go to a public school. Not here. We have fire departments and police service. We even have the Department of Homeland Security to keep us safe. We have an FDA to keep our pharmaceuticals and food safe. We have the FAA to keep us safe when we fly. We have the DOT to keep us safe when we drive. The list goes on and on. My point is that the USA does take care of us well.
Let's all be proud and hang our flags and go to parades and most important, get out and vote!! It is your right. No matter the political party, go VOTE!! Never take it for granted.