Why is it that none of us ever got "Time Out"? I can tell you why!! These kids nowadays have a darn (800) number to call if they get whooped! Why didn't we have an (800) number to call? I mean, my Mama pulled her car over on the side of the road and whooped my butt right there on the highway! She didn't try to hide the fact that she was whooping me! She didn't wait until we got home. She did it right there in public! On the side of the road!! Of course, I don't think I ever sassed her again. I knew better.
My husband told me a story about when he was young and he and his brothers were fighting in the car. His Dad had enough of the boys being loud and trying to kill each other so he pulled the car over on the highway and made all of them get out and he drove away. Luckily, his Mother was in the car and after about 15 minutes she made his Dad go back and pick them up! My husband wasn't raised here in The United States but he said that they didn't have an (800) number to call either!
These kids today are so lucky to have that (800) number!! I have a feeling that if we all had that (800) number when we were kids, none of us would have had any parents!! We all would have been raised by Foster Parents! Okay, so I am not talking about real abuse. I am talking about a few pops on the rear end when we deserved it. Honestly, I can remember just the fear of the paddle that hung in the office of the school keeping me out of trouble. We used to hear rumors about being paddled by the principal at school. I remember hearing the "horror" stories. Someone said that the paddle had holes in it. This was supposed to make it sting more because it could travel faster through the air on the way to your butt!! There was also a rumor about how the principal would wet the paddle to make it sting against your skin. I swear that I only remember one person ever getting a paddling in school but his stories were so scary that the rest of us behaved ourselves in class so we didn't have to get paddled!!
So, what did your Mama or Daddy whoop you with?? Did you ever get paddled in school?? Can y'all believe that I never got paddled in school? That's probably what's wrong with me today!!