Life Lesson #15,019-Facebook Becomes Too Personal
Anyone who has a Facebook will agree with today's blog. You will know "Friends" who post these things and if you see yourself in these examples, PLEASE STOP!!
We all have "Friends" who post about personal family business. I don't want to know about how much you hate your sister who causes drama. If you are posting about your sister who causes drama on Facebook, then you are part of the drama. Family business should be kept "in the family" not made into huge drama on a social network. Once it is "out there" it is "out there" forever!!
There are young people who constantly post pictures of themselves in mirrors. Young men with their shirts off. (Some men are old enough to know better than to do this!) Young girls posting pictures of themselves with the fish lips!! You are 11 and I know your Mama and I know that she did not allow you to get lip injections so STOP THAT!! And go clean your bathroom mirror!
There are people who constantly post about their at home businesses. I am so happy for you if you have your own business and I wish you much success and hope that you are as happy and as rich as you claim to be. I just don't really care if you make $8,000 a week. I do not want to join your team!!
There are people who constantly post about their political beliefs. You are not going to change my mind about who to vote for in the upcoming elections with your political rants. If anyone doesn't agree with your rants, you get mad. I have seen posts on my news feed between people who have been friends since preschool and they end up "unfriending" each other over politics. I mean, who does that? I am still going to be your friend even if you aren't of the same political persuasion as myself. I may think you are 100% wrong and you may think that I am 100% wrong. Just go and vote in November and we will see how it all works out.
Then there are those who post only Bible verses. I happen to know some of you people very well. That is not all that you talk about 24/7. Even my pastor doesn't do that! Who are you trying to convince that you are a Christian? Everyone else or yourself?
And then there is the friend who only posts about how there is no God. Who are you trying to convince? If you don't believe in God, then don't believe but stop trying to convince me. I believe that there is a God. I don't believe in evolution and you will never convince me otherwise! If I am wrong, so what? If you are wrong, well, that's another story.
Then there are those who only post about their kids. UGH!! My kids are #1. My kids are the smartest. My kids are the cutest. My kids are the most athletic. My kids are the most talented. My kids...My kids...My kids...STOP IT!!!!
My kid is the smartest, cutest, most athletic and my kid is #1 so stop trying to say that yours is the best!! Haha!! We all think our kid is the best!! I mean, if your kid gets into Princeton on an academic scholarship and then makes the football, baseball or softball team,
please post this because it is wonderful news!! Your kid just made a base hit in T-Ball. He or she hasn't made the major leagues just yet.
Last is my biggest pet peeve. If you do this, please know that
"blocked" your posts from their news feed. That person who posts every move that they make...
7:32am-Just woke up. Good morning Facebook Friends!
7:45am-Getting in the shower. Have to smell good for the day!
8:02am-Having my first cup of coffee. 2 sugars and a splash of milk.
8:25am-Having a terrible hair day. Good thing I have a low cut shirt on today.
8:40am-Late for work. Fred, please tell Moe that I will be there as soon as I can!!
9:02am-Made it in. Have a great day today!
10:07am-Break time. Having a Coke and some crackers. I'm in such a bad mood today.
10:45am-Made a lunch date with my honey! See you at 11:30, John! I love you!
11:25am-Ready to see my baby. Order me an iced tea!
12:25pm-Great lunch with my sweetie. Almost late getting back from lunch!
1:52pm-This is the longest day in history. Come on 5:00!
2:45pm-Boss just left for the beach for the week. Whoop! Whoop!
3:28pm-What will I make for dinner tonight? Grilled chicken or lasagna?
4:15pm-Decided on lasagna. Gotta go to the grocery store after work.
5:05pm-At the grocery store. Man someone didn't return their cart and I almost hit it with my new Camry!
6:02pm-Lasagna in the oven. I will post a pic as soon as it gets out of the oven so you can be jealous. :)
6:35pm-(((Picture of the Lasagna)))
7:03pm-Dinner was good. Watching TLC. Honey Boo Boo comes on tonight!!
8:31pm-Having a candy bar before bed. Is that bad?
9:45pm-Going to bed after I brush my teeth and wash my face. Good night everyone!!
You all know at least one of these people!! Don't ya??